FACT: 75% of parents think that providing financial guidance to their kids is a moral imperative yet only 36% of that group reports having any clarity about how to do it.
Getting started may feel overwhelming; our team understands and is here to help. Don’t miss critical teachable moments.
Bounce10 is a fun, fresh way to nurture financially fluent kids, starting in early childhood. It’s a journey that develops foundational financial values, language, and skills. It’s a community of like-minded families who gain access to world class experts, connect through our parenting platform, and learn from each other. Finally, Bounce10 is a box that engages children, parents, and grandparents in memorable, play-centered learning experiences on a regular basis.
The most effective financial education is not just about money. Financial education that has lasting impact embraces the family’s intellectual, social, and human capital, as well as its financial capital. Bounce10 engages the imagination as well as the child’s readiness for mastery and discovery through play.
Kids are curious—and ready to talk about money—as young children, while busy parents, feeling unprepared and awkward typically delay the topic as long as possible. Meanwhile, popular culture, social media, peers (including siblings, cousins and friends), and even their own imagination fill the information vacuum. Bounce10 gives families fun tools to prepare kids, so their financial education doesn’t have to be repaired later in life!
While most parents believe that providing financial guidance to their children is a moral imperative, only about 1 in 3 feel they have any clarity on how to go about doing that. Bounce10 provides guidance and support through the parenting platform and the curation of tangible resources for your children. Bounce10 transforms a dreaded chore into a family adventure.
Bounce10 uses play as the vehicle to help kids acquire language, concepts, and financial values. We introduce children to F.I.S.H.™ (financial, intellectual, social, and human capital) and provide activities that facilitate fun conversations about legacy, stewardship, wants and needs, and work ethic. This is financial education that embraces play, not just because it’s fun, but because it’s how kids learn. We create and curate tactile, tangible activities, games, and puzzles over those on screens every time.
We know that nurturing values of stewardship and financial mindfulness, while preserving the joys of childhood is hard to navigate and takes a village. Bounce10 will become part of your family’s journey—from Pre-K all the way through young adulthood—and we’ll connect you with other like-minded families through our platform so they can become part of your village, too.
We approach financial education as a developmental life skill. And just as we give kids building blocks like the alphabet and numbers to learn to read and do math, we give little ones stories, puzzles, and games to begin the acquisition of essential life skills, habits, and values related to the four capitals (F.I.S.H.™).
Bounce is different in two significant ways.
1. Innovations in financial education have either focused on e-learning—exposing kids to even more time on their devices—or are rooted in strategies to “fix or repair” teens and adults ill-equipped to be financially ready for life. Bounce10 recognizes that digital devices for children six and younger are having negative impact on early brain development. For this reason, our “tools for engagement” with kids are largely analog and do not require the use of digital devices.
2. Conventional approaches start too late and tend not to embrace the whole child, as though their lives are just about money, not dreams and superpowers! They do not offer young children an expanded vision of wealth, which embraces intellectual, social, and human capital, not just financial capital.
Bounce10 builds upon Joline Godfrey’s ten basic money skills from her book, “Raising Financially Fit Kids,” as well as her decades of experience as a financial education consultant working with families like yours. Behind the scenes, the Bounce10 team develops and tests prototypes based on those ten core skills to enrich the multi-faceted Bounce10 product: the journey, the community, and the box.
If the work of building financially fit families resonates with you, let’s talk. We are actively looking for partners, members, product testers, advocates, innovators, and investors to contribute to our best-in-class product.